Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Introduction to Archives and Archival Research

Hi all,

Check out the following link for an excellent introduction to archives and conducting archival research. The fine folk at NHD have done it again.


Thursday, September 29, 2011


Ann Claunch, NHD curriculum director sent out the following link to a Primary/Secondary source quiz available at Teaching History.org. Have a look -


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How does a teacher start NHD in the classroom?

We have been surveying NHD veteran teachers and getting their answers to the following question: What are the steps to starting an NHD program in class? Here's one answer (thanks Ms. Funk!)

1. Teacher becomes very familiar with the NHD website.
2. Teacher explains to students NHD and the theme for the year. Discuss what the different parts of the theme mean.
3. Student brainstorm about possible topics.
4. After teacher has approved the topic have each student write a 3-5 page research paper with 8-10 sources.
5. After basic research talk about categories.
6. Discuss primary and secondary sources.
7. More research.
8. Use research to start putting project together.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Great Website from Maryland Humanities Council

The folks at the national organization have posted a tremendously helpful link. Check it out!


Scroll to the bottom and you'll find tips for teachers and a whole lot more!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

NHD classroom timeline

NHD.org has alot of really useful information teachers can use. One is the classroom calendar -- have a look


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Workshop Schedule

Here it is!


Saturday 10 September

800-855 check in – continental breakfast, coffee available in the Faculty/Staff Lounge, 3rd floor
Lewis Library

900-925 Welcome –

Dr. David Garrison, Provost, LaGrange College
Laura McCarty, State Coordinator, NHD
Kaye Minchew, West Georgia District Coordinator, NHD

TOPICS 930 - 1015

Dr. Lisa Crutchfield – American History
Dr. David Cason – Georgia Studies
Dr. Joe Cafaro – European history
Dr. Josh Van Lieu – Asian History

10:15 Fresh coffee/water available in the Faculty/Staff Lounge, 3rd Floor Lewis Library


1025 - 1055 Lewis Library and NHD

1100 -1140 The National Archives, Joel Walker NARA

1145-1215 State/Local Archives, Kaye Minchew, Troup County Historical Society

1215 - 100 Lunch (Bailey Room, Smith Hall)

110 - 200 NHD in the Classroom

The Middle Grades Classroom - Ms. Sue Funk, Midland Middle School - Auditorium
The High School Classroom - Dr. Tarrae Fogarty, Collins High School – mm classroom

205 – 300 Brainstorming & Category Tips!!! - Lewis Auditorium

Sue Funk
Tarrae Fogarty
Joel Walker
Laura McCarty

305- 310 Closing remarks and thanks

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fall Workshop




2011-2012 Theme: Revolution, Reaction & Reform in History

September 10, 2011

9:00 am


Frank and Laura Lewis Library

Lagrange College

Please contact Dr. Kevin Shirley at kshirley@lagrange.edu

if you have any questions.